• The report is prepared in XHTML format, which allows machine reading.
  • Selected facts should be tagged with XBRL tags.
  • The XBRL tags should be integrated into the XHTML document using the Inline XBRL (iXBRL) technology.
  • A major advantage of iXBRL is that the same document can be read by a human in a standard browser while providing structured, machine-readable data. This means high accessibility and gives companies full control over the design and presentation of the information.
  • iXBRL is considered a future-proof format as it is adaptable over time and can handle developments and innovation in electronic reporting.

The ESEF rules were introduced in Sweden from the financial year beginning on or after January 1, 2021 (some other European countries chose to introduce the requirement already from January 1, 2020).

Let’s talk ESEF!

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